Embodied Couples Training
Five Day Intensive

October 24th-29th 2021

West Cornwall, CT.

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October 24th-29th

This 35 hour intensive training is designed for therapists to step up and support couples on a whole new level. Imagine helping committed couples to feel more power, laugh more fully, desire each other more intensely, see each other in truth, have greater compassion for the other’s struggles, engage in vibrant and constructive conflict and bring their highest selves to the relationship and the world. This training will you to open new doors to your practice as your bring into your work an innovative paradigm for helping couples.

Requirements for training: Masters or PhD in counseling, and/or an advanced certification in a somatically based modality such as Core Energetics, Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing etc.

Course Curriculum

Day 1
Triggers and the Nervous system
80/20 principle
Control Patterns
Primary Restorative Feelings

Day 2
Safety Building and the Nervous System
How to work with reactivity

Day 3
5 Metaskills
4 levels of embodied interventions

Day 4
Young vs. Mature Needs-how to identify and work with them
Full Self Expression

Day 5

Sexuality and Infidelity
Importance of Conflict
5 stages of a healthy conflict



Cost for Level 1 training- $2000

Room and Board-Includes room and all meals $650.00

Please contact Marcia and Brian Gleason, LCSW’s with any questions you may have.


Exceptional Relationship Training follows these major premises:

The “Four Es” – Expressive, Embodied, Emotionally Focused and Experiential.

  1. Communication occurs on both a verbal and non-verbal level and couples need to learn to“dialogue” with the whole of their body/mind in order to create emotional resonance.

  2. Conflict engagement is the doorway to deep understanding and growth.

  3. There is a need for couples to incorporate not only mindfulness, but to embody their shared experiences.

  4. The therapist must be willing to take “leaps of faith” to encourage a broader and more flexible range of expression for each partner.

  5. That each couple creates a “shared energy field” from which both problems and breakthroughs will occur.

  6. Couples connect through here and now experiences and not only by talking about their dynamics.