Embodied Couples Workshop in Brasilia
November, 2019
The Embodied Couples Workshop
An Introduction to the Exceptional Relationship Approach
Any practitioner or therapist who has worked with couples knows how challenging the work can be. In this three day introduction to Exceptional Marriage Mentoring (EMM), we will uncover what it takes to work with couples successfully. EMM is an embodied approach to relationship therapy that draws on the work of John Pierrakos and Core Energetics as well as Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems and our own work over the course of the past 35 years.
This workshop will open you to viewing relationship work from a transformational perspective where you will come to recognize the problems couples face are not indications of pathology. Rather, couples fall into safe patterns of relating and need guidance to bring emotional authenticity and vulnerability into their partnership. This is an evolutionary path!
In this three day workshop we will cover:
Four Developmental Stages of Relationship
Neurochemistry of Commitment
Control Patterns - The Avoidance Behaviors that Devitalize Relationships
The Shared Energy Field
The Principle of No First Cause
How History Controls the Here and Now - The 80%/20% Principle
Working With “Triggers”
The Four Levels of Interactive Consciousness
Metaskills - The Relationship Skills We Already Possess
Four Levels of Intervention - Presencing, Leading by Following, Bridging, and Catalyzing
EMM Certification Training in Embodied Relationship Work
This certification training is designed for therapists to step up and support couples on a whole new level. Imagine helping committed couples to feel more power, laugh more fully, desire each other more intensely, see each other in truth, have greater compassion for the other’s struggles, engage in vibrant and constructive conflict and bring their highest selves to the relationship and the world. This training will Help you to open new doors to your practice as you bring into your work an innovative paradigm for helping couples.
Module One
Understanding the Neuroscience of Relationship
Identifying Couples’ Level of Consciousness - Reactive, Reflective, Mindful, Embodied
Identifying Couples’ Level of Individuation - From Enmeshed to Relational Integration
What constitutes an Exceptional Relationship
Fundamental Concepts of the EMM approach - Shared Energy Field, No First Cause, 80%20% Principle, Triggers, and Control Patterns, Simplify & Amplify, Childhood & Adult Needs
Using Embodied Techniques - Presencing, Leading by Following, Catalyzing & Bridging
Module Two
Emotional Layering and Full Self Expression
Working with Reactive Couples
Understanding Metaskills - the innate human skills that are underdeveloped.
Working with Trauma in the Context of the Relationship
Transference & Countertransference in Mentoring
Module Three
What is Exceptional Sex
The Four Relationships - Playmates, Work Partners, Emotional Intimates, & Sex Partners
Lust (Libido), Love, & Eros
Helping Couples Discover Their “Sexual Identity”
Bringing EMM into Your Practice
For Marketing, we can send you some of our written material (articles & blog posts). However they are obviously written in English. I attached an article I wrote last year which nicely captures what we do. I don’t know whether it will help or not. Please let us know.
Exceptional Relationship Training follows these major premises:
The “Four Es” – Expressive, Embodied, Emotionally Focused and Experiential.
Communication occurs on both a verbal and non-verbal level and couples need to learn to“dialogue” with the whole of their body/mind in order to create emotional resonance.
Conflict engagement is the doorway to deep understanding and growth.
There is a need for couples to incorporate not only mindfulness, but to embody their shared experiences.
The therapist must be willing to take “leaps of faith” to encourage a broader and more flexible range of expression for each partner.
That each couple creates a “shared energy field” from which both problems and breakthroughs will occur.
Couples connect through here and now experiences and not only by talking about their dynamics.